Americas Best Value Inn-Downtown Phoenix i Phoenix

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Forenede StaterAmericas Best Value Inn-Downtown Phoenix



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424, West Van Buren Street, 85003, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-257-8331
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.4516889, Longitude: -112.0798775

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ben Sax


    Right across from the venue! (Van Buren) super reasonable rate. Really clean, good vibes. Definitely stay here again.

  • Umberto Saetti

    Umberto Saetti


    We traveled in a large group. The owner printed out a welcome paper for our group and posted it at the entrance. Same thing with a thank you note with a fsrwell when we left. Very kind of him. The staff is always available and the hotel is clean. The owner is a hard worker and deserves the good business he's been getting lately. 10 out of 10.

  • Hey It's Tori

    Hey It's Tori


    Amazing experience, great price, close to the van buren venue. The owner is super nice and helpful. 10/10 will be back

  • en

    Mary Williams


    I stayed 2 nights here to attend a conference at Phoenix. The check in was great and fast because of the friendly staff we felt extremely welcome. Dan arranged parking spots super close to our room which helped a lot with our stuff, even made waffles for us and made a lot of conversations. Front desk lady was great too! Only problem is the loud bar across the street, but the motel was great and we'll be staying here again soon!

  • Laurie Pessetto

    Laurie Pessetto


    This old motel was quite comfortable. It wasn't too noisy in the night. The breakfast was meager, but they did have boiled eggs, waffles, cold cereal, and some fruit. The shower was wonderful with full pressure and very hot water. The staff is nice and the cleaning staff are very friendly. There is no pool, no gym, no bathroom fan, and no shuttle, no matter what it says on the generic website. Our toilet leaked a little around the seal, but it wasn't a big deal. Everything was clean. There is a TV, microwave, mini frig, iron, ironing board, small table, luggage stand, and ice machine by the office. The bus goes right by and there are theaters and restaurants, and many attractions within 16 minutes of walking.

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