Hampton Inn & Suites San Francisco-Burlingame-Airport South w Burlingame

Stany ZjednoczoneHampton Inn & Suites San Francisco-Burlingame-Airport South



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1755, Old Bayshore Highway, 94010, Burlingame, San Mateo County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 650-697-5736
strona internetowej: ad.doubleclick.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.6017819, Longitude: -122.3717147

komentarze 5

  • Trevor Croft

    Trevor Croft


    Friendly Staff and a clean hotel. Not the best area to stay in if you are a tourist. It is pretty industrial, but it is popular with business travelers.

  • Andy Steinmetz

    Andy Steinmetz


    Free shuttle, great service, good location

  • Aurora Braun

    Aurora Braun


    Clean room. Front desk gave us a snack and water at check in, which was nice. Best part was the free shuttle to the hotel in the morning that started before 5am.

  • en

    Ed H


    We spent a weekend at the Hampton Inn by SFO for a birthday getaway. The hotel staff was very friendly and offered an upgrade to a suite. Once we got into the room we found it clean and above average. Since our room happened to be on the ground floor we were aware on a construction crew working on the exterior and had scaffolding set up outside our window. They ended their day at 4:30-5:00pm so there was no problem. Once we got ready for bed we walked barefoot for the first time and found the carpet wet, no doubt related to the work on the exterior. Saturday morning we let the front office staff know of the concern, and were a bit surprised by the cavalier attitude they had. To her, wet humid carpet was not a big deal. No offer to move us to a different room, just a thanks for letting her know. I'm sure this was isolated and I would recommend this hotel to friends.

  • Philip Arnason

    Philip Arnason


    If you stay here you simply must call the front desk from your room and request water. They will dispatch "relay": a robot that delivers the water directly to your room! Definitely a unique experience. Beds were comfortable, and there are a number of restaurants within walking distance since they don't have an in house restaurant for dinner. The breakfast is minimal (I think standard for Hampton hotels): eggs, cereal, fruit, coffee, pastries. Budget continental breakfast. The snack shop had some ice cream, water, and a few candy bars. Overall a good value. No complaints about the room, quite spacious with even a couch.

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