Fairfield Inn & Suites San Francisco Airport w Millbrae

Stany ZjednoczoneFairfield Inn & Suites San Francisco Airport


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

250, El Camino Real, 94030, Millbrae, San Mateo County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 650-259-0400
strona internetowej: www.marriott.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.60154, Longitude: -122.390223

komentarze 5

  • en

    Raymond Williams


    Great clean hotel with great management team and employees. We stay here several nights a week for work and the team always greets us with a smile and is willing to accommodate any request given the fact that it is home away from home. It is conveniently located next to a bart station and has a shuttle to/from the airport. The eggs and sausage are a good addition to the Continental breakfast.

  • Chris Cox

    Chris Cox


    It was fine. Room was rather narrow and probably could have been improved by not having a closet.

  • Chuck Mattern

    Chuck Mattern


    Service was just great the few little things that came up which needed attention we're handled quickly efficiently and with a very nice apology. Top marks for a top staff.

  • en

    Reynold Yee


    Nice location and lots of places to eat around the hotel. They just upgraded the property and it looks nice. The negatives was the creaking floor in the room #210 and the shuttle wait from the airport was a little long.

  • Guillaume Fayard

    Guillaume Fayard


    So disappointed of @marriott and this hotel . I booked on line for a hotel in Florida, but the confirmation came to me with a booking in this hotel. I called to cancel the booking, but they refuse to do it due to their p[policy of 2 days cancellation. It was a same day booking, how could i cancel it? Their best proposal is a credit in this hotel, but I am leaving on the east coast and have no plan to travel to California. All answers I get up to now from hotel or their central customer care demonstrate a low consideration of their customer. So disappointing...

najbliższy Kwatera

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