Best Western Plus El Rancho Inn w Millbrae

Stany ZjednoczoneBest Western Plus El Rancho Inn



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
1100, El Camino Real, 94030, Millbrae, San Mateo County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 650-588-8500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.6074473, Longitude: -122.3972321

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark Murack


    A nice older style quaint hotel - with an "El Rancho Inn" feel and decor. ( not a typical Best Western) Feels like being in Mexico in the middle of San Francisco. Rooms are a bit on the small side but are well looked after. Pool would be a bit small for adults wanting to swim but perfect for kids playing.

  • en

    Cathy Jim Zaso


    The staff was friendly & the hotel was convenient as it was located near SFO. We stayed only one night & the hotel shuttle service was definitely an advantage. We needed to use it at 3 am the next morning & it picked us up right at our room. The room was located a fair distance away from the main lobby & this was helpful for the early morning pickup. The room itself was plain, but clean. The only complaint that we had was that there was a large gap under the outside room door & caused the room to be drafty. We rolled up one of the bath towels & put it up against the door which helped to keep it warmer. In general, I would say that it was adequate for the one night that we stayed there.

  • en



    The staff was wonderful. They gave great directions for returning the rental car, the cheapest filling station, and return to the hotel. The driver of the shuttle was on time, and worked with precision. The restaurant offered a great selection at a good price. It also had a relaxing atmosphere. This is an older hotel, so do not expect "new and modern" touches. But if you want friendly and prompt service, next to the SFO airport, this is a great option. The beds were comfortable, and the pillows were not neck breakers.. just right. We will use this hotel again on a return trip.

  • Samantha Franks

    Samantha Franks


    The Best Western El Rancho Inn provided stellar event execution for our event in conjunction with the Walk for Life in San Francisco. They provided accommodations for travel, dining, technology, room rates, and hospitality. Consider having them host your event at the Terrace Cafe and take advantage of their great staff. The El Rancho Inn is the perfect distance from San Francisco if you're looking to be removed from the city, but still have easy access to it. Thank you, Gail and Michael, for allowing us to use your wonderful space!

  • en

    Lynnette Scofield


    Needed a hotel close to the San Francisco airport. Astounded by the costs of nearby airport hotels! We booked the Best Western Plus El Rancho Inn. Room was immaculate and had everything one would need. Dinner at the Terrace Restaurant was a total surprise----really delicious and a very attentive and kind serving staff. Shuttle was perfect...even at 4:30AM! Yes, I would stay again and will recommend.

najbliższy Kwatera

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