Hairstories w Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneHairstories



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240, Deer Park Avenue, 11702, Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-482-9920
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7000591, Longitude: -73.3226129

komentarze 5

  • Brittney Jacobson

    Brittney Jacobson


    Kristen is the best! Late hours during the week are super helpful

  • Sarah Reicherter

    Sarah Reicherter


    You won't be disappointed getting your hair done at hairstories. I've been going there for a couple of years and I've had multiple people work on my hair and I've always left happy. I have very difficult long, thick, curly hair that's currently 5 different colors because I don't know that I want to do with color. The point I'm try to make is, my hair is not easy to work with. Anyway, Gina gives the best hair cut and blow out ever, my hair feels so healthy and looks awesome, Trevor does fabulous blowouts too and Chase the owner is so nice and always makes me feel comfortable. The girls who wash my hair are so sweet and don't treat you like you're just another random customer. I have a very busy schedule, so I don't get to come as often as I'd like to but the staff always remember you and make you feel special. Definitely go to hairstories if you want quality work done to your hair. You won't regret it!

  • en

    Nicole DiTrani


    Can't say enough about the Hair Stories Staff. Great work & great atmosphere. Even my mom is obsessed!

  • andrea beatty

    andrea beatty


    Best and most talented group of stylists I've seen assembled in one place. Everyone is a star. Every person I've ever seen leave this salon looks fabulous, confident, and ready to take over the world. Hairstories never sends a client out unsatisfied.

  • Stephanie Dowd

    Stephanie Dowd


    This is the best hair salon ever. No matter who you go to they are all equally talented. I have never left unsatisfied with the work that they do. From the beginning when I make the phone call to the time I walk out of the salon I am never disappointed with the professional fun service that is given. Thomas is the best colorist I have ever been to I have followed him since the beginning of his career and his vision is always on point with what I am looking for, and as I said everyone in the salon is just as impressive with their work from what I have seen. If you need a salon I recommend checking them out you won't be disappointed. I have sent all my friends here and they all continue to go back because you feel at home and welcome once you walk in the door. It doesn't have the "stuck up" feeling of some of the other salons in Babylon village that I have been to. I have had my hair cut by pretty much everyone in the salon and I am always happy with the results! AND... one of the best parts is there is normally a cute puppy in the salon to welcome you!

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