Capitol Barber Shop w Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneCapitol Barber Shop


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

20, Fire Island Avenue, 11702, Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-661-9802
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6962853, Longitude: -73.3234777

komentarze 5

  • en

    tom fontana


    Nice haircut. Walked in today 3:30 no appointment and both woman were great. Pleasant very nice woman cut my hair had nice conversation. Will go back again in 3 weeks and hope I get the same treatment.

  • en

    james vicari


    The owners are so pleasant and they give fantastic hair cuts would recommend 100%

  • en

    Pedro Smith


    The women who work here (probably joint owners) do really good haircuts. I would go more often but they're expensive for a men's cut.

  • Mr. RunningMan

    Mr. RunningMan


    Might be the worst hair cut I have ever received in my life, went in asking for a simple trim on the sides and back and received a mess. The lady that gave me it must have been deaf in order to mess up this bad.

  • en

    Celeste Janelis


    I would give this shop 0 stars. I stopped in yeaterday to ask if the woman haircutter could give my tein grandsons a haircut. She was finishing with one customer and another was sitting and waiting. She replied, "if you bring them in right now, they're next." We did and we waited for the next man to be finished. In the meantime, another gentleman walked in. When she finished up she said, "who's next? " like she didn't see us waiting. When the other man got up to go sit in the chair she said, "whoever gets here first????!!" After waiting almost half an hour we left! What kind of way is that to run a business???? I do ALL of my shopping in the village and I support our local merchants! This barber shop is what gives local business a bad bame. Shame on you, whoever you are, for ignoring us! You should have just simply said, "I don't want to cut their hair or we don't take walk ins. Never again!

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