All Star Barbers w West Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneAll Star Barbers


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

426, Great East Neck Road, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-422-0220
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7019202, Longitude: -73.343327

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jennifer Hinton


    Great barbers, very nice. Always call for an appointment or you'll wait for ever!

  • en

    Justin Cruz


    Hector Hernandez, I am sorry to hear that you had a horrible experience at one of the top-rated barbershops on the island. But I am a customer of 5-star barbers for over a decade! BUT YOU HAVING THE BAD LUCK OF THE DRAW OF NO TOILET PAPER, is not fair to rate them 3 stars and also IT has NOTHING to do with the barbershop! But at any given moment, when you walked into the bathroom, they soooo happened to run out of TOILET PAPER. It is your fault for not looking before using the restroom or taking a second to ask an associate for toilet paper.

  • en

    Alexa Bloore


    Came here with my son one night to get his hair cut and they did a phenomenal job. My boyfriend is very particular with who cuts our sons hair, so to have found a reliable, patient, detail-oriented kind of barber like Sam keeps us coming back. We will be sure to come back time and time again!

  • en

    Thomas Grimes


    Great group of talented workers, had toilet paper on go when I came, & a suitable vending machine for myself, & when the children need a snack. Incredible environment, great for when you need a laugh, or when you’re having a bad day, these people will make your day, whether it’s through your haircut, or conversation. They make you feel extremely welcome & are open to all types of people. Strongly recommend this barbershop.

  • en

    Andrew Martinez


    Very friendly staff & you can tell all the barbers care about doing a good job for each of their clients. If you're looking for a consistently good hair cut this is the place for you. Two thumbs up.

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