Avanti Dentistry en Tysons

Estados UnidosAvanti Dentistry



🕗 horarios

1500, Cornerside Boulevard, 22182, Tysons, Fairfax County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 703-625-6229
sitio web: www.avantidentistry.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.930258, Longitude: -77.245337

comentarios 5

  • en

    Zainab Imbabi


    I’ve been going here since I was 12 years old, so that would be half my life now. I would never want to go anywhere else. The people really know me and are really gentle and understanding. They also really know their stuff. If you want someone who knows what their doing but also treats your mouth like a work of art then this is the only place for you.

  • leah blackwell

    leah blackwell


    Super Friendly!! I feel confident and at ease with my Upcoming procedures:) Definitely recommend to family and friends

  • en

    Amanda Gamble


    Today I went in to have my teeth cleaned, x-rays, and my first consultation with Dr. Farshad, Dr. Bita, and Dr. Christopoulos! THEY ARE SO AMAZING!! Each examined me, asked questions about my entire dental history, and overall health (I have some pretty serious underlying health problems) then talked with one another, my fiance, and I about what course of action was best for not only my health but making my smile pleasing aesthetically for my psychological benefit as well. They were SO gentle and caring!! I really feel confident that I am in very good hands and they will achieve the goal of helping me be healthy again. Our dental health is often a reflection of our overall health!! The financial liason came in last and put me at ease about all my options to pay for what will be extensive surgery. It was such a good experience that my fiance signed up to be a patient on the spot!! THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND CARE!! I AM SO BLESSED!!

  • Victoria Lei

    Victoria Lei


    Super Friendly staff , efficient time management , professional and warm dentistry environment . I would recommend this location to everyone.

  • en

    steve oh


    I wanted to replace 2 upper teeth with implants. Ideally, I wanted one office where I could get the entire procedure done-any potential surgery, implant placement, and of course, final restorations. This requirement, and a frankly reasonable treatment estimate, along with some apparently good karma, lead me to Avanti. After agreeing on a treatment and payment plan, we got right to it. This well- run office does not think its time is more important than mine. I need to replace a front tooth and a molar. As it turns out, the molar implant would go through the floor of my sinus. We can't have that, so Doctor Bita, whose strengths lie in the health of gums and the underlying bone, got to work. She raised the floor of the sinus and filled it with sterile bone. This was a complication which was no barrier at all, as her surgical skills are impressive, and the procedure went quickly, painlessly, and included the front tooth implant placement. I saw the X-rays immediately afterward- the implant was perfectly placed, and the bone for the future molar implant was plentiful and dense. As I write this after 2 weeks of totally uneventful healing, I'm ready to get that permanent crown in front-in several months after bone grows around the implant. This office uses CEREC crowns; in my informed opinion, the most natural looking crowns atop implants. Can't wait. Gotta say-the beautiful, happy smiles I see on the faces of this great office staff, and, perhaps more importantly, on the faces of their patients, tell the story of this fine dental office. Steve O., DDS

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