Tysons Elite Dental en Vienna

Estados UnidosTysons Elite Dental



🕗 horarios

8230, Boone Boulevard, 22182, Vienna, Fairfax County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 703-790-0800
sitio web: www.tysonselitedental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.9161146, Longitude: -77.2301553

comentarios 5

  • en

    Neto Arias


    Amazing service. I live in Maryland but decided to giver her a chance after all the reviews and i was more than pleased with her service. Nice, professional and she did an amazing job keeping things cool throughout the process.

  • Kerisha Doyley

    Kerisha Doyley


    Hands down, no question asked and no further answer is needed whether I need to find the RIGHT dentist for me. Dr. Bahrami and her staff are the best and top-notch. This is the type of person I am, I rearly give reviews, EVER, BUT TYSONS ELITE DENTAL, they are fantastic in everyway and I believe Dr. Bahrami and her crew is a keeper and the dentist where families and friends needs to go. PLEASE ANYONE WHO READS THIS, THEY ARE THE BEST, TRUST AND BELIEVE ME.

  • Maggie Coffey

    Maggie Coffey


    Dr. Bahrami is the nicest person ever, and the best dentist I've had! Her new office is fantastic, and all of the staff are welcoming.

  • Darya Kay

    Darya Kay


    Dr. Bahrami is definitely the best dentist around! And her new office in Tysons is beeeautiful! Highly recommend

  • Shahana Alavi

    Shahana Alavi


    Dr. Bahar has by far been the best dentist I have seen. I have always had a fear of needles and she made sure I felt very comfortable and for the first time, I didn't pass out! She has been great with follow ups and has been so gentle with me. I would highly recommend her services, especially if you have kids that need a cleaning or cavity fill. I have sent 4 of my friends to her and they love her also.

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