Aesthetic Dental Spa en Vienna

Estados UnidosAesthetic Dental Spa



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8233, Old Courthouse Road, 22182, Vienna, Fairfax County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 703-827-8282
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.913053, Longitude: -77.2309427

comentarios 5

  • Hadeel Ghaida

    Hadeel Ghaida


    Dr. Alex Naini and her crew are so caring and really know how to make you feel welcomed when coming in! I’ve been to many dentists over the years and this is the first one I actually enjoy coming to! They make it fun and enjoyable experience. Making you leave with a smile on your face :)

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    Beth Loughery


    Dr Alex and her staff are wonderful! Holistic approach that really considers the customer experience from the moment you walk thru the door. They provided options on potential solutions for an issue that we hadn't heard before. Thank you!

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    Michael Thomas


    Dr. Alex is of course the absolute sweetest person to be around and a phenomenal dentist and business woman as well. So happy my wife found her and we switched to bring our family to her. Oh and nothing like heated chairs or a light blanket to keep you warm while she is working on you!!

  • Ellen Yates

    Ellen Yates


    When you go see Dr. Naini, she just doesn't clean you or your child's teeth - she goes beyond! A perfect example is today when she cleaned my son's teeth. I asked her if he needed braces again. She explained this to me in detail, even going into detail about how his mouth is shaped for what he wants to do in life! I was so impressed! She is passionate about what she does, is a people person and treats her patients like family. Her office is not "sterile" in the sense of hospital like but is a warm and friendly place to go like being in your family room. I cannot say enough about this amazing woman!




    I love this place! It's got character and a kind of calming stillness you want when you go to see your dentist. Dr. Alex becomes more than your dentist...she's your friend. It's the only place I trust with my smile!

Dentista más cercano

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