Wyndham Austin en Austin

Estados UnidosWyndham Austin



🕗 horarios

Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
Domingoabierto 24 horas
516, West 8th Street, 78701, Austin, Travis County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 512-499-4949
sitio web: www.extraholidays.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 30.2715757, Longitude: -97.7474057

comentarios 5

  • Morgan KS

    Morgan KS


    The place was nice, and the location was great. I was there during their grand opening in February. My problem came after I checked out. They claim they released my room deposit, but my credit card says they did not, and I'm now out my deposit. I had planned on coming back, but frankly, I'll stick to Worldmark properties where I never have this issue and they are willing to help if there are issues.

  • Catherine J

    Catherine J


    It's really awesome. The infinity pool on the roof, A+ Foosball table in the suite was a lot of fun to play, a good chance to put the phones down. Every appliance in the room is "smart"..the microwave will tell you to put in food of you try to start it without, which we got a little laugh from. The handicap accessible room had a large bathroom and was pretty functional. It had a beautiful view of the city.

  • Scott Sanford

    Scott Sanford


    What I have come to expect from Wyndham and Worldmark. Great downtown location walking distance to capital, museums, parks, and so many bars and restaurants. Beautiful functional rooms with kitchens and washer dryer. Wife loves the tub in the master bath. And of course friendly helpful staff. Make sure you walk over to Walton's for breakfast/brunch, so good.

  • Brandon Walker

    Brandon Walker


    This is a great addition to the Wyndham Timeshare lineup. Very modern and close to all the action of downtown Austin. Two blocks away from a great stretch of bars. The roof deck and pool are pretty sweet and the finishes in the units were really nice. We will be returning for sure.

  • Tina Evans

    Tina Evans


    Beautiful resort...I loved our suite, it was huge. I think Wyndham properties should look into adding some entertainment events during the owners stay. I really like that at another resort that u owned and remove/reduce the parking fees. You pay all that money monthly & then got parking fees to deal with once you use it for vacation. Over all I would go back

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