World Car Kia South en San Antonio

Estados UnidosWorld Car Kia South



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7915 S Interstate 35, Access Road, San Antonio, TX 78224, USA
contactos teléfono: +1 210-254-6000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 29.3498059, Longitude: -98.5387539

comentarios 5

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    Kat V


    When I was treated unfairly at another dealership I stopped here on my way home and was met by a very nice salesman named Jose. It was close to closing but Jose took the time to hear my story about my experience before arriving here and sat me down to ask how he could help. We set up an appointment for the following day in which Jose got me into a vehicle I wanted and the payments I needed. The process was very easy and prompt.

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    Joseph Sprague


    Josh is a great guy! He really helped out with selecting a vehicle that was right for me. Be sure to stop here and speak with him the next time you're looking to buy!

  • Diego Stacny

    Diego Stacny


    Great experience. No pressure, easy going, and helpful service. Josh Ytuarte showed me the car, we then proceeded with the test drive. Fun and casual conversation the whole time. Then I went back to work the numbers and drove away with my dream car. Thank you, josh. You made my experience a pleasant one.

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    On two different occasions this dealership has showed poor customer service. 1. We ordered and paid for a new key. No one called to let us know the key was in 3 weeks later we went in to check on it and they acted like the didn’t have the key and couldn’t find it. Finally after 15 minutes they decide to look for it in their computer and after doing that they found the key. Why wasn’t this done right away?? 2. We took the car in because the AC doesn’t seem to be working, it’s not blowing the correct temperature. The service department said nothing was wrong and they couldn’t fix anything. Yet the ac still isn’t blowing cold but they didn’t care because they said the computer says nothing is wrong. Yet I’m telling them it’s not blowing cold and they wanted to charge more money to look deeper into what the problem could be.

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    Heidi Slavin


    Terry in the service department is awesome. He was so helpful and even though I know he was extremely busy he took the time to explain things to me and returned all of my calls promptly. I will definitely be back here again. Ask for Terry he truly is there to help you. Thanks Terry!

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