Mac Haik's Southway Ford en San Antonio

Estados UnidosMac Haik's Southway Ford



🕗 horarios

7979, Interstate 35 Access Road, 78224, San Antonio, Bexar County, US USA
contactos teléfono: +1 210-922-2222
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 29.3494332, Longitude: -98.540091

comentarios 5

  • Mark Hernandez

    Mark Hernandez


    Shopped on line for their available inventory. The information for each car , including price, was there to see and it was easy to follow. I used the text feature to contact the dealership and was called back very quickly. Once I got to the dealership the service continued to be excellent. I was shown the car I selected, performed test drive, and sat down to get approved. It was fast, easy, and professional. I would recommend, and have already, Southway Ford to anyone.

  • Mason Brown

    Mason Brown


    Jose Ortiz is the man! Told him what car I wanted and he got it done. No issues at all and got me the BEST PRICE for my new Focus ST! Will recommend Southway Ford and even more so Jose Ortiz if anyone wants a car. Thanks again!! So happy!

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    Steve Pugh


    2/22/18 Still completely satisfied and happy with not just the truck but the thorough service and ease of getting my truck in and out Andrew in the service department worked w me to setting an appointment going over my concerns and having truck ready with same day speed. The phone system can be bothersome there but the service you get from the staff has been excellent. In Nov, I had an incident where new truck got popped w big blemish. Paul Hill and his crew did an awesome job of repairing and painting making it look new again, you cant see where it was. So far this is the best dealership I've had to work with, worth the drive. 10/17 Excellent experience purchasing a truck ! I was in need of a new truck and contacted all Ford Dealerships in the San Antonio area. Explained to each what I wanted in product and price, list the features so I could do the comparisons. Who ever put there best foot forward would get my attention. Very few followed thru with request a few dealerships wanted to play the come on in I have what you want game. No games at Mac Haik’s Southway Ford!! Jeremiah Gonzalez did an excellent Job at finding not just the right truck in model but in price. He was a straight shooter in fact everyone I Encountered at the dealership was nice and cordial. I suggest anyone interested in purchasing a vehicle Just take the time and drive south. I live north of 1604 was well worth the drive!!!

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    Evelyn Delgado


    Had an great experience! As soon as I walked in, they made me feel at home. I was greated at the door by Jaime, one of the most knowledgeable individuals that ford has. I couldn't be happier. He walked the lot with us and showed me car after car until we found the perfect one. He made my car buying experience the best! Make sure to look for him when visiting Mac Haik's Ford! Everybody was welcoming and I can't imagine not leaving there happy!

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    Nydia Martinez


    I cannot say enough about the service department here. First and foremost everyone is so pleasant to work with and you can just feel that this dealership is not like the others. I had the fortunate opportunity to work with Walter Gomez Jr. in the Service Department. This guy definitely goes above and beyond to not only make sure that your car is being taken care of but that you feel at ease with everything that is being done. He is very clear and concise with all the details and is willing to review anything and answer all questions. Most of the time I would avoid taking my car to a dealership to work on because I always felt like I was being handled in one way or another but working with Walter has definitely changed my way of thinking. He definitely has a customer for life right here and when it comes time for me to purchase a new vehicle I already know which dealership I will be going to. Thanks again Walter!!!

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