Wig Boutique w Levittown

Stany ZjednoczoneWig Boutique



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3041, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-520-8764
strona internetowej: www.wigboutique.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7257372, Longitude: -73.5236366

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lisa Katz


    Denise & Myriam are "amazing" at what they do!!!! In addition, they are professionals, they don't rush you and they will "not" just sell you anything for a sale. They want you to be happy & excited with your new look when you leave their shop!!!! I'm so happy with the fresh new "3" looks I have thanks to them! I highly recommend them!!!

  • en

    Yanet Bonilla


    Denise was really great in helping me find the perfect wig. She is very honest and will educate you on how to put a lace front on. It was my first time at a wig store and I couldn't be happier with my experience !

  • en



    Being in my late 30's losing my hair is extremely difficult. My confidence dwindled away with every glance of my reflection in a mirror. On Valentine's Day I surfed the internet and found the Wig Boutique. I called and found out it was closed. Within minutes Denise called me back. She must have heard the desperation in my voice because she offered to meet me there. Within the hour I was trying on wigs, chosen by Denise. She showed me options that complimented my complection and round face. Denise was kind and empathetic which put me at ease. It was my first wig so I wasn't expecting the price. However my trendy, playful wig has restored "my pretty"...and that is priceless!! I will be going back soon for a sassy, summer look.

  • en

    M Lee


    Denise & her mom both helped me with purchasing my first wig. The wig has given me new-found confidence! I just started chemo & expecting hair-thinning. Very patient, low pressure & honest business. This place has a large selection, high quality wigs & reasonable prices!! I can't wait to go back to get another one!! ❤ Michelle

  • Kayla Cappa

    Kayla Cappa


    This place has a great selection of wigs, toppers, extensions, etc. The customer service is awesome and as a cancer survivor, my mom felt very comfortable. Would recommend to anyone looking for a wig/hair accessories. This place has 5 stars for a reason

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