Sport Clips Haircuts of Levittown w Levittown

Stany ZjednoczoneSport Clips Haircuts of Levittown



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3519, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-597-5675
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7275924, Longitude: -73.5061661

komentarze 5

  • Lisa Schultheis

    Lisa Schultheis


    A wonderful place that treats all ages equally. My 7 yr old LOVED IT! They even sprayed his twin sisters hair 😊😊

  • en

    Angelo Scuccimarri


    Brought my 5 year old son in February. I can't say enough great things about how they treated him. They listened to what he wanted and what his likes and dislikes were. Absolutely great experience. Brought my 4 year old son here on opening day. Loved the way they treated him. He really enjoyed the tvs and the back massage. Came back on 7/21 for my 4 year old son. They treated him perfectly. Worked really well with him. He enjoyed the MVP upgrade. Looking forward to getting his back to school cut.

  • Angelo Scuccimarri

    Angelo Scuccimarri


    Had another great MVP service in February. The staff is excellent. Always friendly and accommodating. This is my favorite place I've ever been to. Came on opening day and was very pleased with the treatment and service. The MVP upgrade was excellent. Loved the back massage. Great touch. Came back on 7/21. Service was just as good. Really happy with the cut. Looking forward to the next trip.

  • Justin Paccione

    Justin Paccione


    This was a cool and fun experience, all the girls stir up conversation and keep u in a good mood. The haircuts are pretty good and I didnt have a bad time. Lets not forget the prices are amazing and u can come back with some buddies for free cuts! Makes me wanna keep coming back which I have no problem with

  • en

    Debbie Cullen


    A great place to take my son for a haircut. Kat did a wonderful job on my son. She showed me how to style his hair in multiple ways. It's been a month and it still looks great! The best part is my son loves it there and looks forward to going back!

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