Whistling Willie's American Grill w Cold Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneWhistling Willie's American Grill



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184, Main Street, 10516, Cold Spring, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-265-2012
strona internetowej: www.whistlingwillies.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.420169, Longitude: -73.954768

komentarze 5

  • Brendan Philbin

    Brendan Philbin


    One of the best bloody Marys I've ever had but service was a little off

  • en

    Johann Lindsey


    Ate here a few days ago with some friends. I have to say the chicken panini i had was great, and the food my buddies had seemed to be pretty good as well. Not sure how the bar scene is, but if the food is any indication, should be a good hangout spot.

  • Matt Linder

    Matt Linder


    My wife and I came here for the 1st time this past weekend, and have to say it was awesome! The service was great and the food was absolutely amazing. We had the spicy tuna poke bowl for an appetizer, my wife had the buffalo bleu burger, and I had the the whistler burger. Bother burger were cooked perfectly. And the tuna bowl was amazing. The only negative thing I have to say is that the taste of the soda was kinda off but you get over that real quick when the food comes. We will definitely be coming back.

  • David Hegarty

    David Hegarty


    Food was just not terribly good. I got a fresh vegetable salad, which it said was various chopped vegetables. They weren’t chopped ;) huge thick stalks of asparagus just broken on top. Enormous chunks of thick cucumber. Made it really unappetizing. Some actual chopping would probably have made it as nice as the description, but instead it was just big hunks of dry unappetizing vegetable matter. I left most of it behind. I also got Tuna Poke. This was ok, but it was totally drowned in sauce. Everything was just too much - too big, too much sauce, etc.

  • en

    Salley Zgolinski


    Worst meal I've had in years. I should have know by the floor buffer in the corner and the ratty seats. I went with my mother, father and husband. Not one of us enjoyed our meals. We were promised popcorn that never came. I ordered a burger with mushrooms and the mushrooms came out RAW!! My mom order the chicken and it was drowning in sauce and she never got her salad and on and on. We live in the area and will not be returning. Be warned if you live close. Eat here and you are taking your life in your hands.

najbliższy Bar

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