Whiskey Charlie w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneWhiskey Charlie



🕗 godziny otwarcia

975, 7th Street Southwest, 20024, Washington, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 202-488-2500
strona internetowej: whiskeycharliewharf.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8785208, Longitude: -77.0235322

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mike Turco


    In my Friday visit, it was just too crowded to get a drink. The staff just didn't have enough people to handle the crowd. An extra bar tender or two would go a long way. The view is great though.

  • Rob Mc

    Rob Mc


    Drinks are pricey but well made. Views are spectacular. Nice place for a rooftop gathering.

  • Jonathan Keam

    Jonathan Keam


    Bar tucked away at the top of a hotel. Very small, but the outdoor patio has nice fire areas where you could sit and enjoy a cocktail. Has a pretty decent view of the water and wharf area. Good stop for evening drinks.

  • Christina Klare

    Christina Klare


    The cocktails are unique and very tasty. Highly recommend the WC Mainstay. We ordered a few small bites (roasted nuts, sliders, and hummus with pickled veggies), and they were all very good. Servers/bartenders were attentive and friendly. The view is gorgeous, and the outdoor area looks perfect for a warm day or night (it was cold and rainy tonight so we did not get to enjoy it).

  • Nathan Hunt

    Nathan Hunt


    Amazing view from the above. Friendly staff and great drinks. Make sure you get the beef sliders. If you run into any issues, get a hold of D as she will make sure your joy is uninterrupted. She was very accommodating to us when we got there. Even though strollers or big bags were not allowed up there, she kindly let us take a seat and enjoy the little time we had up there before our transportation arrived. If you get a chance try to go there before all the Christmas lights are gone...

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