Whataburger en Phoenix

Estados UnidosWhataburger



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1840, South 19th Avenue, 85009, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-254-5154
sitio web: locations.whataburger.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4297401, Longitude: -112.1003133

comentarios 5

  • Fred Fink

    Fred Fink


    Burger was nothing special and had way too much mustard. Overpowered the burger taste. Fries were decent and freshly cooked. Not impressed.will stick to Wendy's, Jack"s and (don't laugh...) Del Taco. Their burger is pretty good!

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    Danny Pablos


    This place is Bomb super clean super friendly super good across the board

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    Kaycee Wilson


    Our order was wrong at first and then I took it back and they said they apologized and fixed it which they still had it wrong and my burger was nasty it was all sogy like it had been sitting there with mustard on it for awhile and the bacon wasn't crispy it was sogy and really greasy and our french fries were cold and super salty we couldn't really eat them and they were so hard that it had chipped one of my back teeth. I love water burger but that one we went to I would never go back.

  • ezequiel godinez

    ezequiel godinez


    Open 24/7. food is great. just seems like the drive thru here takes forever sometimes. but all things considered it good. maybe a little tricky to get here getting off the freeway. best way in is coming south bound on 19th ave.

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    Stephen Hodges


    Nothing new here. Still the best burger that you are going to find for a reasonable price and amazing quality! My favorite is and always will be the party melt. It's a Texas twist on a long standing burger that most every diner has. But it is on Texas toast and has this tasty sauce that you will not find anywhere else. And onions of course. And cheese. So stop in and try it out!

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