Jack In The Box en Phoenix

Estados UnidosJack In The Box



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
1902, West Buckeye Road, 85009, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-253-8142
sitio web: locations.jackinthebox.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4372543, Longitude: -112.1002704

comentarios 5

  • Boozyi Foodiez

    Boozyi Foodiez


    The customer service is terrible and the night shift hates their jobs... Not to mention the night shift is nvr stocked properly ie.. They nvr have what u order or they are out of everything they butn ur food or they under cook ur food thank goodness Burger King is across the street from them now too bad they do t stay open 24/7 like these slackers...

  • Jake Dunbar

    Jake Dunbar


    Stopped here after a late night out and ordered two munchie meal boxes. Nothing crazy or confusing. The girl taking my order did not greet us nor did she appear friendly at all. When I thought she was finished with our order I waited for instructions to pull forward or at least read us our order back to confirm it. We got to the window and again did not seem the least bit pleased. After she ran my card we waited over 10 minutes for our food to be brought out. Completely unacceptable. Meanwhile cars started piling up in line behind us. They have no personality, no urgency and could not fill an order correctly. I asked for the girl's name since she was not wearing a name tag and she claimed her name was Ella.

  • Darryl Milczarek

    Darryl Milczarek


    This place is always popular and on an easy corner. For being in an industrial area, it is very clean including the parking lot. The always get my order right and the food is cooked to order. Too bad the drive through is so short, but to make up for that, they really hustle and move vehicles through quickly.

  • maria maesse

    maria maesse


    Good morning. Today I went out for food for all of my co workers and the girl at the speaker was taking everything down with no problem. Pulled up to the window she had everything going smooth paid for most of the items when the "manager" she was a shorter Hispanic woman she basically took the girl off to just so she can take over and just messed everything up she was all over the place and did not know what was going on instead of just supporting her employer and giving her a hand she just made her feel like she wasn't worthy of working the drive through. Because of the "manager" they got a long line of customers because she does not know how to be a leader.

  • en

    Tony Bender


    Always good service here. Good fast food. Clean. Much more affordable than the Burger King that opened across the street

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