Wendy's i Forestville

Forenede StaterWendy's



🕗 åbningstider

3440, Donnell Drive, 20747, Forestville, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-420-2714
internet side: www.wendys.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.8456198, Longitude: -76.884293

kommentar 5

  • Andre Russell

    Andre Russell


    The dispenser only has 3 flavored drinks, should have taken the drive thru as there was no one in the restaurant yet had to wait on someone to come to the register

  • NIkisha Lango

    NIkisha Lango


    It was slow, crowded and the drive thru was packed..tables were dirty

  • en

    Jennifer Everett


    Always close earlier than hours listed. Hours are actually until 1230-1245 then they turn off drive thru light. It’s not right when you rush to make it just to see them close early

  • Beautifully Different

    Beautifully Different


    Waited in the drive thru for ten mins before I reached the window. So I parked and went inside to order. Waited inside for 15mins. Worst experience ever at Wendy's. And the cashier was dismissive and kinda rude. He forgot to give me some of the items I paid for already

  • Duane Harrison

    Duane Harrison


    Everytime I come here it's the same problem... The staff have absolutely no customer service skills whatsoever! They have not a care in the world it seems! A simple "Hello" first of all would be nice when I arrive. Then what really did it for me this last time is while I'm placing my order, the girl is steady talking with her coworker and not listening, so now I have to repeat myself 😤. Very frustrating! Training is highly needed at this place ASAP!

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