Jiffy Shoppes i Camp Springs

Forenede StaterJiffy Shoppes



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4773, Allentown Road, 20746, Camp Springs, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-420-1818
internet side: jiffyshoppes.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.8222799, Longitude: -76.885568

kommentar 5

  • en

    michael owens


    The food is good, the restaurant is clean, the customer service is good and the prices are reasonable. Everything that you’d want in a place like this. Most people carry out so there’s usually plenty seating in the dining area. They give police, fire and military discounts too.

  • Indya Vs Redz

    Indya Vs Redz


    Food is AMAZING and so is the customer service (at least every time I've gone....WHICH IS ALOT OF TIMES). They're open late and the food never changes awesomeness. Atmosphere may a bit intimidating late at night for some but trust me, they don't bite. Enjoy yourselves

  • Nikki Whitaker

    Nikki Whitaker


    The staff is always friendly and accommodating. Food is always prepared fresh and fast. Everything is always delicious. Desserts are well made. There is always a crowd but people eat and leave so you're never waiting for a seat. Love this place. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Jamie Riggs


    The place was excellent. They had great customer service authentic Greek food and many different options available to the difference in taste of foods that everyone may have. The menu is large and all homemade. The great thing about this place is it's small and no personal and they work at a fast pace they also have great prices and a open late night business. Some days are until 4 am.

  • en

    kelvin davall


    The place was very clean and bright. The food was very, very good. The woman behind the counter was not friendly AT ALL! I will not return due to her service. I think if the service was better they would have more customers. The parking is very tight as well.

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