Wappingers Dental en Wappingers Falls

Estados UnidosWappingers Dental



🕗 horarios

115, New Hackensack Road, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-297-3950
sitio web: www.wappingersdental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6120681, Longitude: -73.902052

comentarios 3

  • en

    Tina Davis


    l have been with them for more than 5 years,dr georgescu and staff are the most compasionate and caring that i have ever been with.i refer them to anybody i know that needs a excellent dentist ,because they are hard to find anymore.

  • Duy Nguyen

    Duy Nguyen


    I visited the Wappingers Dental for the first time ever in my life. They are extremely professional and caring. Adriana, Amanda, April and Dr. Georgescu are gentle, patient and very thorough. I strongly recommend Wappingers Dental without any reservation.

  • en

    Gentry Martinez


    Y'all get ready for this this, so I've had a tooth ache going on for on as long as 6 months. I came to these guys and I'm petrified of dentists and Dr.G was lovely. She was sure to explain everything for me. I told her that my experience was not the greatest. And she then proceeded to look at my tooth and it was decaying. I was like GREAT. So she sent me to a specialist that all they did was route canals and they wanted 1650 for my one tooth...I was like nah. Y'all can just pull that, so I called back and they squeezed me back in and yanked it. She was lovely! Prices are also very very reasonable. Highly recommended.

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