Anthony V. Bonavoglia, DDS en Wappingers Falls

Estados UnidosAnthony V. Bonavoglia, DDS



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7, Moran Avenue, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-297-4075
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.597285, Longitude: -73.911975

comentarios 5

  • en

    cynthia pratt


    Great place to go, family oriented, happy staff, happy clients, everyone's seems to be smiling, personalities from the staff are Great. Staff are Great at taking care of there clients, and all very well at doing their jobs. Clients that I have seen there are very happy, plus the parents are happy as well. Workmanship done on the clients is vantastic. They come in feeling nervous but when they leave they are very happy with Smiles,smiles and smiles.

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    Claudia Tejada


    Hi All, Two years ago Dr. B was the orthodontist who put my oldest daughter’s braces on. Braces came off a few months ago and she loves her straight teeth. Now is my son’s turn for the journey and he is so excited. Amazing job!

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    Amy Raz


    I’m the mother of two kids who are both patients of Dr. B now and the experience has been excellent. I appreciate the time the staff and doctor take with us and they are very caring and patient. The office is cheery and very efficient. Incredibly on time and well run. A real bunch of motivated and motivating people. Honestly it’s going better than we had expected as we were quite reluctant in the beginning.

  • Kate Berean Workshop

    Kate Berean Workshop


    My daughter has been a patient of Dr. B for about 7 months and it has been a wonderful experience. First, the staff is one of the friendliest I have ever seen in an office. Second, everything has gone so smoothly including making appointments around our busy schedule. Finally, her teeth are looking amazing and we aren’t even done yet! When we see people they are complimenting her on how great she looks! I can’t wait to see what she looks like when she is done. I would highly recommend Dr. B to anyone looking for an orthodontist in the area. Kate Berean

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    Mary Porpora


    Immaculate comfortable environment with a warm and inviting staff. I was not happy being recommended to see an orthodontist as a retired teacher of 72 years of age, but my preconceptions proved very incorrect so quickly. The atmosphere is so professional with a staff well trained, and eager to accommodate any requests. DR. B. Is outstanding in many ways: smart, friendly,a braces perfectionist., and a doctor aware of the value of his patients’ time as well as his. As a teacher, I am very impressed with his policy of allowing seniors in high school to observe what happens in his practice under the careful tutelage of his staff.

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