Walgreens i Bedford

Forenede StaterWalgreens



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4121, East Harwood Road, 76021, Bedford, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-571-6995
internet side: www.walgreens.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.8524471, Longitude: -97.1006633

kommentar 5

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    Claire Lohman


    This place always fine, but this morning my cashier was above and beyond! She realized I had a coupon from previous transaction and went through trouble refunding and redoing transaction for me without even being asked!

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    La Con


    This is the most unorganized, and unprofessional pharmacy I’ve ever dealt with. I literally spent the entire day going back and forth with multiple employees. First time I attempted to pick up the employee said they didn’t have a prescription for my daughter but she got my insurance card, and updated her file. Second time I went back after I called the doctor to verify that they sent it to the correct pharmacy and they did, the employee said it wasn’t ready, I waited over 5 hours to go back when I went back the for the third time the employee said there’s something wrong with her insurance and they needed my card, I then drove home because I left the card there thinking I wouldn’t need it because they updated it at the first visit. I return with the card and all her information to be told that my insurance wouldn’t cover the medication I also didn’t have my debit card because I thought my insurance would cover it, I waited until 8:30 to return with my debit card the employee tells me they actually don’t have the medication the doctor prescribed for my child. I wasted an entire day trying to fill my daughters prescription and I never got it, it was almost 9:30 PM at this point and every other pharmacy was closed or closing soon, the employee did call the 24 hours Walgreens however, they were out also it was a nice gesture but the employee also blamed other employees for the mistake, they also claimed to have called and left me a voice message but that never happened I had my phone on and up all day, and never received any voice messages. I won’t ever come back to the location to fill prescriptions they’re a team of unorganized employees with little to no communication within the team....obviously!!

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    Brian Perla


    We had our baby's passport photos taken here and they were very helpful. They also didn't fuss about taking multiple shots (she is a baby after all). One big recommendation is to bring your own plain white sheet to use as the background of the photo. They offered to provide one but mentioned it may not be the cleanest.

  • David Nix

    David Nix


    I have been a steady customer for years. Pharmacy is busy but most are due to the nature of the business. Pharmacy staff is ALWAYS helpful. I've never had a prescription filled incorrectly. Store is nice.

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    Mike Mclane


    I have been going here for a while alway nice and helpful.Unlike CVS down the road who seem to be pissed off all the time and never have enough help.

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