7-Eleven i Euless

Forenede Stater7-Eleven


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105, North Main Street, 76040, Euless, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-545-7544
internet side: www.7-eleven.com
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Latitude: 32.8379952, Longitude: -97.0830646

kommentar 5

  • Karla Avila

    Karla Avila


    04-01-18 Very rude lady in the front she got into arguments with two prior customers before me and gave me an attitude when I inquired about food that was cooking. They need better people with customer service skills

  • Keeno Keys

    Keeno Keys


    High prices but clean

  • en

    Christina Mershell


  • Yongsu An

    Yongsu An



  • en

    Marcus McIntire


    03/01/2016 I stopped at this particular location because it is near where I am staying. I know some locations sale hot pizza by the slice and whole, after asking the fellow if they have pizza and he said yes and I inquired about one he answered "they are frozen and in the case over there". I replied, "no thank you, I was hoping for one ready to go", I grabbed a sandwich and salad then went to pay out. What this man said was really uncalled for, now I am a big guy but I do not like to be insulted, he makes the comment,"salad would be better for you anyway". Really? If this man is an employee then he needs to be retrained, if he is the owner or related to the owner then forget about my business.

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