Volumissimi Eyelash Extensions w Scarsdale

Stany ZjednoczoneVolumissimi Eyelash Extensions



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774, Post Road, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-759-7920
strona internetowej: www.instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.97432, Longitude: -73.803048

komentarze 5

  • en

    Karyna Rozhkova


    My favorite person in a whole world because she does an amazing and professional job. She is also the only person who I can trust with my eyelashes

  • en

    Maryam Shinwa


    I absolutely loveeee Alena! First of all, she is so sweet, welcoming and friendly. She makes sure her customers leave with a big happy smile. I have been coming to Alena for the past 7 months, and I can’t decide which lash style I love the most because I have walked out every time loving them. I get so much compliments on my lashes because it has so much volume and it’s so soft, it’s as soft as my own lashes. Forgot to mention how beautiful they make me feel. You don’t need makeup after getting your lashes done by Alena. She gives customers tips on how to maintain them etc. My lashes stay on for 6 weeks for sure. You will definitely spend couple of hours here but she does the job! If any lash lady says “it will take 1 & 1/2 for 3D lashes” please don’t waste your time there because those ladies will rush and damage your lashes. Alena knows exactly what will look good on you and will help you choose the best style that fits your face. The price is unbeatable. I have recommended many of my friends and they absolutely love her work. I just got mine done today, I’m in love with them. ❤️

  • Gulnaz Mukhamadieva

    Gulnaz Mukhamadieva


    Thank you very much for the pretty lashes! Everyone likes them! The quality is the best, I have been wearing 3D lashes for 5 weeks already and they still look perfect!

  • DeMaris Gonzalez

    DeMaris Gonzalez


    This is by far the absolute best eyelash experience I have ever had. She was kind, and gentle. Definitely plan to spend a couple of hours here but well worth it for her PERFECTIONISM! I’m so glad I found her never seeing anyone else again!

  • en

    G G


    I came here by chance for eyelash extensions and had such a great experience. Alena is the very best! She does such a great job! I have gotten so many compliments regarding my lashes!

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