Candis Nail & Hair w Scarsdale

Stany ZjednoczoneCandis Nail & Hair



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747, White Plains Road, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-472-2941
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.973008, Longitude: -73.80401

komentarze 5

  • Jasmine P.

    Jasmine P.


    I was not happy with the way my nails were done. I hate when they give an attitude when you tell them they missed something or to redo something. The color options are limited. My rating might be different with another lady

  • Katie Zaccardi

    Katie Zaccardi


    This is my go to place for Gel manis. Awesome manicure for a great price!

  • en

    John Lee


    Oh this spa is the worst I have ever seen.

  • en

    Lisa Finegan


    Very professional and my nails always look beautiful.

  • Michele M

    Michele M


    I was looking for a new place to have my nails done and made an appointment to come in for a mani/pedi. My manicure was fine but then I was turned over to someone else for the pedicure. The girl asked me if I wanted a spa pedicure and like an idiot I said yes. From the get go it was quite obvious that this girl never held a nail file in her hands before. When I asked her if she had done this before I found that she only spoke Spanish and had to ask a co-worker to translate. I did not get a response. Then she took out a metal callus remover and rubbed so hard that she was hurting me. I said no mas and she understood. I really should have gotten up out of the pedicure chair right there and then but I didn't. She polished my toes (my 8 year old niece could have done better) and while I was drying I had to call the manager over to re-polish two of my nails. I got home and noticed dry blood on the right side of my right foot. I called the salon hoping the would refund me some of my money but all I got was a promise that someone would do it better the next time (as if I would give them a second chance). For two weeks I couldn't wear sneakers or shoes because whenever I did my foot would rub against the side and the wound would start to bleed again. The bottom line is I paid $36.00 for pain and I will never, ever go back there again. I am so grateful that I didn't get an infection.

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