Valvoline Instant Oil Change w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneValvoline Instant Oil Change



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, Old Nyack Turnpike, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-623-7087
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1004266, Longitude: -74.0242744

komentarze 5

  • en



    Great oil just wished service was faster

  • en

    Leo Rodriguez


    It's a Valvoline....not sure what you'd expect certainly no massause no beverages nothing. It's also a weird setup at this location and long car lines but the service was good...they did an oil change...I more no less not as quick as other locations but again it's just an oil change beats doing it yourself.

  • Court Veenis

    Court Veenis


    Fast service but you can't drive thru yourself at this location. I am not sure why they didn't tighten up the cover shield under my car to a point of satisfaction. Yes I only got an oil change however you would think that this would be a customer service no questions asked gimme Considering they had to remove the cover to get to the parts. Oh well decent enough and job was accomplished

  • en

    Eddie Ljesnjanin


    The service is great but it is little bit more money then changing oil and filters somewhere else.

  • Martinez Maki

    Martinez Maki


    I have been coming here for inspection for years. I went this year (2017) to do inspection and was told by the mechanics that they can not do the test because of the tinted window. That no car can have tinted window, even on the rear side windows and they needs to be ripped off. I was little perplexed, but I left the place without any further discussion. I checked online for the new law that was put on Jan. 2017. And found out that it is OK to have tinted windows if the ligh transparency meets the law.... I am guessing they just do not have the measuring device, but why tell me that I have to take off the tint? I have no intention of removing my tint. I guess I have to go to different place now.

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