Mavis Discount Tire w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneMavis Discount Tire



🕗 godziny otwarcia

321, West Route 59, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-443-8005
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1008823, Longitude: -74.0259111

komentarze 5

  • michael marinelli

    michael marinelli


    RPGLOVERTASH whom left a previous review. Has not no merit and never even ate there .Negative Negative never has anything nice to say ever .

  • Rpglovertash



    Do not recommend. The wait times are too long and the staff is not friendly. The technician are not trained well so, my tires were never put back on correctly and they do not tell you the expenses in advance so you are always surprised when you get a big Bill when they try to upsell you on unneeded services. Do not go there for NYS inspections or buy their road hazard guarantee because they will scam you, to get more money out of your pocket. They will give your prorated rates for your tires which end up costing the same as replacing your tires so their road hazard insurance is a joke and they will find ways to try to threaten to fail you unless you make unnecessary repairs to your car.

  • Damian R

    Damian R


    My family has gone here for years! Matt is a great guy and takes good care of our tire needs...but don't go here for inspections!

  • en

    David Phillips


    Good prices, long wait. Great tires, Falken

  • en

    Tali Frey


    I absolutely love Mavis Nanuet. Dominic and his team are always a pleasure. They have incredible customer service, always resolve my issues, work as quickly as possible, and really seem to care about my experience. The services are more than reasonably priced (especially compared to other shops around me), and the one time I found someone with a better price, Mavis matched it...and then topped it! I love going to Mavis, I will never go anywhere else!! Thank you Dominic and crew for always getting me out the door with a smile on my face!!!

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