Valley Window Fashions w Westwood

Stany ZjednoczoneValley Window Fashions



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326, Kinderkamack Road, 07675, Westwood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-497-5779
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9927345, Longitude: -74.0297057

komentarze 5

  • Creative Department

    Creative Department


    Valley Window Fashions are simply the best. Robin and Lissa were so easy to work with, their attention to detail is unparalleled, and I couldn't be happier with the results! I would easily recommend them to anyone looking to redress their home the right way.

  • en

    Fred Rubel


    We love the elegent window treatments that Valley Window Fashions did in our bedroom. Robin has great taste in decor and happily right now Robin is helping us redo our dining room. We highly recommend Valley Window Fashions as a wonderful resource.

  • en

    Joyce Lapin


    These people know what they're doing. They're dedicated to the craft of window designs, and also very honest. Highly recommend, especially if you want creative and coordinated looks for your windows.

  • en

    Janet Schulgasser


    I wanted to redo my bedroom but didn't know where to start. Robin and her team to the rescue! They did everything so smoothly from start to finish-my comforter and curtains are gorgeous and I now realize I waited too long to do them!! Kudos to Valley Windows! I'll definitely be back!

  • en

    Karen Ginsburg


    I met with Lissa after being recommended to her by a friend. She came to my house with books of fabrics and pictures of different window treatments she had done in the past, and pretty quickly we were able to choose a window treatment for my bedroom. I love it! I also met with most of the girls in her shop and they were all so nice. Price was very fair, too. I will definitely use Valley Window Fashions again.

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