Girard Interiors w Westwood

Stany ZjednoczoneGirard Interiors



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69, Westwood Avenue, 07675, Westwood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-263-1332
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9915486, Longitude: -74.0319685

komentarze 2

  • en

    Lisa Miller


    I inherited my grandmother’s arm chair last year. While it had certainly seen better days, it held great sentimental value for me as I remember sitting in it with my grandmother as a child, while she read to me. I decided to bring it to Girard Interiors to see if it could be saved. Girard’s designer assured me that all it needed was some new foam and to be reupholstered. She helped me pick out a beautiful fabric. Prices were very reasonable. They even touched up the wood! Girard’s also offered me free delivery! I was extremely happy with their service and their work. I’m now making new memories in the chair with my own granddaughter. Thank you Girard Interiors!

  • Patricia Linard

    Patricia Linard


    I had shelving installed a year ago. It wasn't done correctly then and it is still causing problems. The shelves come out by themselves because they're not even level. I called to see if they were under warranty multiple times. After a couple weeks, I received one call back saying that they would call to make an appointment at another time. Nothing! The product was not top quality, the work was shoddy and their response was poor. I will never use them again.

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