UniFirst Uniform Services - Newburgh w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneUniFirst Uniform Services - Newburgh



🕗 godziny otwarcia

33, Jeanne Drive, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-564-0344
strona internetowej: www.unifirst.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5431761, Longitude: -74.0577259

komentarze 5

  • en

    Judy Parsells


    Our driver Troy really cares about our office. He is always pleasant when he comes in to change out our rugs. Troy gave us a sample deodorizer last month for one of our toilets. We love that over a month later the deodorizer still smells fresh. We will be placing an order. This company needs more "Troy's"!

  • Allison Conlon

    Allison Conlon


    Our UniFirst delivery driver, Troy, is just spectacular. He is a joy to have come into the office. Personable and professional, Troy represents UniFirst very well. When he's promoting new items he does it in a fun manner without being overly pushy. He is quick and efficient at changing out our mats. Overall, Troy is a stellar employee that makes working with UniFirst a great experience over all. 10/10 would recommend UniFirst and Troy.

  • en

    McKenzie Newell


    Troy is wonderful. Always pleasant when he is here. Takes time to make sure everything is done. He makes sure the guys have all there rags and clean uniforms. Lets me know about all new items for sale. Just a pleasure to deal with. Unifirst is lucky to have a great person working for them.

  • en

    AFM Accord


    Lets start off with Troy is the best! Troy is very accommodating to the office staff and maintenance staff. Hes professional, great at promoting new items, promotes items very nicely. I've personally bought items and troy went out of his way to design me something. Not many people would do that but he did. Hes very cheerful when he comes in, if your down he will make you laugh for sure. I can reach out to him when i have questions day or night. Hopefully he get acknowledge for everything he does for this company.

  • en

    Christina Myers


    Service has been great so far. Enjoy working with Troy! He really works to help make sure any problems are resolved and looks out for me as a customer which is not always found. He is the best driver I have had and all of my coworkers really enjoy working with him.

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