Citi Trends w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneCiti Trends



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39, North Plank Road, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-561-7574
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.5205715, Longitude: -74.0273928

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica Townes


  • butterfly rock star shine

    butterfly rock star shine


    I shop frequently for kids clothes and small gift items. Today the store refused to sell me a pair of shorts. The shorts came in a set, the shirt was missing. I searched the department then searched again with the sales person. I was told they are required to damage out the merchandise then "cut it up and throw it away." I explained my daughter has autism with sensory issues. To find clothes she likes is very difficult. I had puchase the same Minette shorts prior, she loves them. The store manager said," you need to understand were we are coming from. " I asked for the regional mangers email or work number and was refused. I did purchase abother full set of Minette short and t shirt identical to the one I had. It's sad. I really enjoyed shopping there. It was not customer service done well. They lost a regular customer over a 8 dollar pair of shorts.

  • en

    Nelson buenas Magana


  • Purple Lady

    Purple Lady


    Good prices

  • en

    Loyda Grandez


    Employees are always talking and goofying around with each other. No customer service. Store is ALWAYS a mess

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