Ulta Beauty w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneUlta Beauty



🕗 godziny otwarcia

78, Veterans Highway, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-499-2639
strona internetowej: www.ulta.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8396596, Longitude: -73.2839045

komentarze 5

  • Joe E.

    Joe E.


    My wife and daughter love this place. Friendly helpful staff with great hair and makeup tips and products. That's from my daughter. I myself have never entered the place.

  • Brittany Scelza

    Brittany Scelza


    I just had my makeup done by REBECCA at the MAC counter and she was INCREDIBLE! She talked me through everything she was doing, was so gentle and she made me laugh. I will be back! I got compliments from strangers all day!!!

  • Chelsea Murray

    Chelsea Murray


    This place is a candy shop for me. They have great selection of different types of make up/nails products/ hair products for men and women/ face and skin cleanser and the staff is very helpful and friendly.

  • en

    Lauren Tully


    I had a great experience at the commack location today. My two young boys and i stopped in to get a refill on my foundation. We were helped by Allison. She was AMAZING. She works in the Clinique section. She gave my son a coloring book while she helped me pick a shade. She was so genuine and patient. Answered many questions and gave me advice. Looking forward to my next time shopping here.

  • en

    Amanda distefano


    Kayla at the brow bar is absolutely fantastic. i took my grandmother there to get her brows tinted and Kayla made her feel super comfortable the tint is still there and she’s all around happy with the job Kayla did. She’ll be coming back to get them tinted and shaped next time!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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