Bocu Salon and Spa w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneBocu Salon and Spa



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6401, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-499-1300
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8438174, Longitude: -73.2946874

komentarze 5

  • en



    I was beginning to develop a haircut-related phobia when I finally came to Bocu Salon for an appointment with Cindy. Friends and family would rib me about my penchant for getting some of the weirdest hack jobs from salons all over the NY Metro area. I walked into Bocu with one such haircut hoping that Cindy could fix it. That was about two years ago, and I haven't thought of going anywhere else since. She turned the inexplicable situation on my head into a beautiful style, and when I go back every few weeks, I do so knowing that I will walk away with bouncin' and behavin' hair as always. I also began going to Christina for color, and she gave me the most beautiful salon highlights I've ever had. They are incredibly natural, and precisely the shade of blonde that I wanted.

  • en

    Debra Saunders


    Cindy is a talented hair stylist. Everyone very friendly

  • zahra N

    zahra N


    I absolutely love the staff. Felicia is the best!!! Kelly at the front desk is amazing as well. Beautiful, clean environment.

  • Marya Bell

    Marya Bell


    WISH I didnt like this place so much because I moved an hr away and too afraid to change my colorist/hairdresser Tammy. Spa is verry good and I wish I could afford to go more because its winderful and anyone who says otherwise must have an axe to grind if you knkw what I mean. Not one regret in 10 yrs.

  • en

    Mex-Col 2015


    Unfortunately my experience there wasn't the best! I paid for a lite day of beauty package that included mani and pedi which I couldn't get done the same day i got the massage and facial because they didn't have anybody to do it that day so I was told that I can schedule that for a different day. I paid the package in full that day they did the massage and facial; the receptionist/manager made my appt. for the mani and pedi (same person that got my money, made me the appt.) but a week after when I came to do hands and toes they wanted to charge me again, they went to my car to tell me that I had to come back because I didn't pay!! so i came back and told them that i paid a week ago and that they should have the records but the explanation i got from "the manager" was that the bookkeeper wasn't in on Sundays and they don't keep records of cash payments? not acceptable. 100% disappointed with their attitude and the way they deal with situations like this one. I have to say that management requires a lot more than saying "I AM THE MANAGER" you need to have common sense and be smart when you try to give an explanation to a customer. the 1 star i am giving is for the body treatment which was very nice. Big mistake to spend my money there! there're better places that give you much more than Bocu.

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