Ulta Beauty i Levittown

Forenede StaterUlta Beauty



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3377, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-579-5163
internet side: www.ulta.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.726074, Longitude: -73.5101159

kommentar 5

  • en

    Josie Rivera


    Great food, great prices and wonderful staff. It's a very friendly establishment

  • en

    Johnathan Kamuda


    Huge selection, helpful staff always ready to assist, clean and organized. Pricey? A little, but they also have tons of sales and clearance deals along with the higher end stuff. They have a lot of organic things as well from smaller companies that are great too. I love going here with my girlfriend when I'm in the mood, there's a plenty of stuff to look at for me even though it's mainly a women's store.

  • Roz Stone

    Roz Stone


    Have a huge selection. Pricey. Pays to join phone app and give e- mail for coupons. Lots of friendly sales help. Extra gift on your birthday.sell from low to high end. Worth the trip.

  • en

    sana syed


    only shop here when there s deal or coupon..good and helpful staff.

  • Maria Price

    Maria Price


    This was my first time here. Beatrice did a wonderful job! She works like an artist!! I will be staying with her as my hairstylist!

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