European Wax Center i Levittown

Forenede StaterEuropean Wax Center



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3359, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-731-7100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7267582, Longitude: -73.5115398

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elizabeth V


    I love European Wax Center, and have probably been to every location on Long Island, but the Levittown one is by far my favorite!!! Not only are the waxers and receptionists stunningly gorgeous, but so professional, friendly, and helpful! Stephanie is unbelievably amazing... I don’t feel any pain or discomfort while she’s waxing. (I seriously reccomend going to Stephanie for anyone with a low pain tolerance like myself, because let’s face it, waxing can be a painful process if you don’t have the right waxer) Stephanie is so welcoming and friendly, she recommended new European Wax Center products for me to try out and I lovveeee them! Always a pleasure :)

  • Ivan Ribeiro

    Ivan Ribeiro


    I always thought this was women only but I actually know a lot of guys that come here. They are great with man brows, they keep the natural look I want. I recommend this location to many friends. Very clean and professional and painless.

  • Sharan H.

    Sharan H.


    Loved my experience here. Was seen by Chrissy. Very polite, professional. Will continue to come to this location.

  • Melissa Fuentes

    Melissa Fuentes


    Good Location ! Very attentive with my eyebrows. My brows are VERY complicated .. I was happy for ONCE I had a specialist thoroughly examine my brow shape and explained what their next step was. They are the sharpest I have ever seen. Super clean as well. Will continue to go here from now on. Wonderful experience

  • en

    Laurene Lang


    Quick and very clean. Angelica is awesome

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