Ulta Beauty en Montvale

Estados UnidosUlta Beauty



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32, Farm View, 07645, Montvale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-930-8523
sitio web: www.ulta.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0514637, Longitude: -74.0611127

comentarios 5

  • Karen Kasny

    Karen Kasny


    Reasonable prices; outstanding selection and knowledgeable/friendly staff

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    Vic toria


    kind staff and very clean. best location in north jersey!

  • Monica Cortes

    Monica Cortes


    The store was very well organized and laid out but they didn't really have any tester products for the NYX items I was looking for. I wanted to try different foundation primers on my hand before buying to see which I preferred. I was able to find some elsewhere but I just wish they had that for the brand I like.

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    Glitter Life


    Brand-new store. I've found the employees generally helpful and knowledgeable about the products. However, I've had issues with checking out. Several things rang up incorrectly and I had an issue with using a gift card the same time as a coupon because apparently the gift card had to be used first or it has to be voided and started over. It works out in the end but I'd say about half my checkouts here had some issue.

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    Cara S


    The store is absolutely beautiful. However the associates working the floor ignored me as soon as I walked in the door. I'm not sure if they thought that because i wasn't wearing any make up today or carrying a louis vuitton that I was not a customer worth helping. I could have actually used their help. I went at lunch time today, and the store was virtually empty. As someone who has worked in the retail business this behavior was pretty disappointing.

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