The Parlour en Montvale

Estados UnidosThe Parlour



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120, Chestnut Ridge Road, 07645, Montvale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-391-4008
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0571996, Longitude: -74.0682392

comentarios 5

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    Elese Tonelli


    Excellent service!!! I called The Parlour after a bad dye job from a different salon and they were able to squeeze me in right away. The whole team were extremely helpful and talked me through exactly what they were doing and made sure I was comfortable with it. They were able to get me back to my natural color. I highly reccomend this salon to anyone.

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    Katherine Imperatore


    Dawn and the entire staff make every hair cut feel like a spa experience

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    Ann Maniaci


    Always a great experience when visiting The Parlour. The staff is genuinely friendly and they are the best at what they do! The salon is also comfortable and beautifully decorated.

  • C Z

    C Z


    Great salon. Friendly and knowledgeable staff. Two friends told me to go there after I had a bad highlight job done. The Parlour did an amazing color correction. I will be returning in the spring.

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    Shannon Bruno


    If I could give ten stars I would! The owners Mike and Dawn are so friendly and accommodating. I found them about a year ago when my hair was damaged from over-processing. Erika has been coloring and cutting my hair and it is so healthy it looks incredible now! Such a transformation. I also began going to Basia for my eyebrows and she gave me tips on how to take care of my skin- I plan on seeing her for a facial the next time I go! All of their stylists are knowledgeable and honest about their services and products. I will never go anywhere else!

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