True Living Yoga i Huntington

Forenede StaterTrue Living Yoga



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1740, East Jericho Turnpike, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-486-3843
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Latitude: 40.8336921, Longitude: -73.3381927

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gina DiMonica


    So happy to have found Inspired Yoga and Healing Center (True Living Yoga) I thought it was only yoga poses but it is so much more! There is alot of healing to be found here. Open your mind and open your heart.

  • en

    Lauren Merlino


    Almost 3 years ago, I joined the 200hr rahini yoga teacher training and became a student of Sukh Shabad (Dr. Dean). Over the past few years I've watched my whole world change. Each workshop, class and lesson has brought more light into my life and into the lives of those around me. This studio is a sacred space, of endless compassion and wisdom. The beautiful souls who teach here have shown me that no matter where we come from, no matter what our past is, we have the choice and ability to change our destiny. ♡

  • fran shavzin

    fran shavzin


    True living yoga is a wonderful, warm, welcoming place with amazing teachers and staff. They are extremely knowledgeable in their practice and truly care about their students. I love the classes offered, especially rahini flow with Heidi. Not only is it a very zen place, but you get a great workout too! I have been going to this studio for about 2 Years now and it has changed my life! Not only has it done wonders for my stress and anxiety issues, but as a result I’ve become more confident as a person and in the workplace. I can’t thank the staff enough for all that they’ve taught me. Try the mediation and other extra classes offered as well!

  • en

    Fran Takach


    I have been attending classes at True Living Yoga for 18 months, and I have loved every minute of it, even when the the yoga instructors are kicking my butt (I had never entered a yoga studio before). The knowledge that the instructors impart on their students is something I was not expecting. They are very concerned about their student, making sure any physical issues are acknowledged so that the yoga positions can be modified to bring the best out in all of us. I have also taken classes in Qigong, Crystals and Meditation. Over this passed Year I have become a Reiki master, thanks to Dr. Dean's tutelage. I have even gotten my sister involved and she is on her way to becoming a reiki master as well. I find that all the people involved at True Living Yoga have truly become an extension of my family. I recommend True Living Yoga studio to all who are looking for a great stretch and meeting some wonderful people. NAMASTE

  • en

    Linda Costello-Roth


    amazing studio - so much more than just classes - they offer COURSES that are life changing!!!

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