Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts i Huntington

Forenede StaterTiger Schulmann's Martial Arts



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1842, East Jericho Turnpike, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-462-0573
internet side: tsk.com
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Latitude: 40.8357305, Longitude: -73.3344322

kommentar 5

  • en

    Evelyn Vergiris


    This Tiger Schulmann’s in Huntington is amazing; I’ve been a member here for 3 years and they have helped me become healthier (I’ve lost 32 pounds) and also have helped me become more disciplined in eating healthy overall. Joshu Castillo is one of a kind and will help you reach any goal you set for yourself. Well worth it.

  • Timothy Delaney

    Timothy Delaney


    Never ever sign a long-term contract, or any contract for that matter with a martial arts school especially Tiger Schulmann's! I sign both my children up and paid $6,000 in advance. They lied to me and told me the lessons were transferable and good for life. At first everything was working out fine until they changed instructors. Both my children found the new instructors to be boring. When my son was finally up for his black belt test, they said it wasn't worth their wild because they didn't have enough students ready take the test and he would have to wait another year before the test came around. Needless to say they both lost interests and stopped going. Sometime later my son and Me game interests and when I took him back there they told me they had no record of our contract. They also don't give you a way to track how many times you take your lessons. Bottom line they're a bunch of crooks and Liars and scam artists! And the martial arts system of Tiger Schulmann's best average on a good day. Never ever sign a contract with Tiger Schulmann's! Complete rip-off and a scam.

  • en

    Robert Stuchiner


    Outstanding school. The classes were fun and the instructor was right on. Knowledge of the arts was impressive as well. Highly recommended for all ages.

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    Alex P


    I can't say enough about the Tiger Schulmann's program. It has worked to lower my blood pressure, control my weight, increase my strength, stamina, and self-confidence. Joshu Castillo is a knowledgeable, athletic, charismatic instructor that easily motivates all of his students. He subtly corrects the technique of his students in a non-threatening way throughout each class. His concern for his students is genuine, and the result is a very successful training experience for all involved. I highly recommend the Huntington TSK location!

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    Samantha Feigman


    I had the pleasure of training at this school under Joshu Castillo before moving. He's a wonderful teacher with a passion for what he does, every class was full of great energy and training there brought my martial arts to the next level. I miss the school and all the fantastic students! Truly a family environment and I still consider all of them my martial arts family

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