Tredora Salon & Spa w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneTredora Salon & Spa



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99, New York 17K, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-567-1333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.505491, Longitude: -74.074888

komentarze 5

  • en

    chantel kuiphoff


    Horrible! Place looks beautiful and upscale but that was not the service I received! Girl was very nice but I was getting a pedicure for vacation. The nail polish started to chip the day after and now looks horrible while I’m away. Her hands were shaking while painting. No massage or exfoliation. Will never waste my money here again and will warn others to stay away if they are looking to receive at least a decent job!

  • en

    Barbara Frey


    Great shop and staff. Have had my hair done by Laura the owner for years and kept forgetting her to different salons till she got a salon of her own. Never have been disappointed.

  • en

    Krista Katz


    Lindsey was fabulous!!! I went in to get a new look for my wedding and could not have had a better stylist. Lindsey was very efficient and listened to what I was thinking about. Better yet, she translated my random ideas into the perfect haircut and color for the big day!

  • Kristin Hayde

    Kristin Hayde


    Went to this salon May 3rd. They uploaded my before and after pics to their Instagram and Facebook May 4th. 15 days later the color was completely washed out of my hair and as of June 15th it is completely back to the before picture they took. Spent $200!!!! for NOTHING. Called to let them know and all they could do was suggest a shampoo.




    I visited this salon for the first time this past weekend on Saturday, March 11, 2017. I have long, curly hair and struggle to find a hairdresser that understands and can cut curly hair to avoid weird layers once it dries, and I've even tried salons that do the "Ouidad" method... not worth the money! Let me tell you about my haircut... Debanese was AMAZING! Best haircut in YEARS and I was very happy with her service. The front desk person has room for improvement (could be more warm and welcoming), but otherwise, very happy with my experience. Shampoo girl was so warm and friendly and I'm so glad I found Debanese. Thanks for the great haircut! I will definitely return in the future. I recommend you try her if you have naturally curly hair.

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