Trailer City East en Commack

Estados UnidosTrailer City East



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1100 East Jericho Turnpike, Commack, NY 11725, США
contactos teléfono: +1 631-864-9494
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.846609, Longitude: -73.260245

comentarios 5

  • en

    Mike Milazzo


    Friendly caring people with reasonable pricing and good work.

  • en

    mitch w


    Truck failed inspection for center brake light on cap. Arrived at trailer city at 9:15 am and drove out at 10:05 with replaced light. Good crew and friendly service

  • en

    ron scarlett


    They are thieves one guy charges me $4.00 for an item 20min later another guy charges me $12.00 for the same item ,I ask why they say we charge what we think it's worth. Ridiculous thieves

  • albert betit

    albert betit


    Bought Trailer for an emergency; their team was helpful and efficient. They handed me a free ball for trailer, and other parts. I was glad for their expertise and helpfulness. They saved the day!

  • en

    Keith S.


    Look, admittedly the place is a bit bizarre. It's like you just stepped into 1972. But once you get past that, they really know what they're doing and they do great work with good quality parts. They've installed hitches on my last three cars and have always been very pleased with the quality of the job. They also stock a huge range of parts to help you out of a jam. I've seen them help other customers that happened to be there while I was waiting; broken axles, bearings, brakes etc., pretty amazing stuff. Prices are always very reasonable. Highly recommend.

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