Jiffy Lube en Commack

Estados UnidosJiffy Lube



🕗 horarios

2064, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-543-0034
sitio web: nyc.jiffylube.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8445384, Longitude: -73.2748603

comentarios 5

  • Jim Mulligan

    Jim Mulligan


    Great service. A little pricey, but there's always coupons available online.

  • en

    d teng


    Not Very Knowledgeable regarding foreign cars. Been having problems with my car since having service here. Better off going to a mechanic.

  • en

    Catherine Moraitis


    Great place for a quick oil change! They fill your tires, vacuum, clean the windows, check fluids, etc too. Friendly and knowledgeable staff, clean waiting room, and I didn’t feel ripped off. Our lead, William G, was great. We will definitely continue going here.

  • en

    Joy Everlasting


    Fellas are nice. I sometimes have to wait. Usually quick oil change, and they check fluids. I've been there many times.

  • en

    A Wits


    Noticed a wire hanging down under my car when refueling. Called these guys and Nick said to bring it right in. 10 minutes later I arrived and they pulled the car right in and took care of the loose O2 sensor wire in a matter of moments. Super nice and accommodating team. Thanks!

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