Towers Flowers w Nesconset

Stany ZjednoczoneTowers Flowers



🕗 godziny otwarcia

246, Smithtown Boulevard, 11767, Nesconset, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-979-8848
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.832721, Longitude: -73.147397

komentarze 5

  • en

    janice warren


    This was the worst of all of my vendors when ever i questioned them they were actually rude. the sales person raised their voice in anger. i was never shown what my bridal bouquet would look like they did NOT absorb my vision they are stuck in a rut of same old same old. buyer beware. bride be cautious there are alot of flower companies that will respect you wedding and ideas... stay away from this place

  • en

    Thomas Kelly


    Amazing and beautiful flowers! Every arrangement I have ordered from Towers Flowers is beautiful, fresh and long lasting. The quality of flowers and design of the arrangements are very special. Great service as well!

  • en

    Lisa Santoro


    Towers Flowers came highly recommended to me and I am so glad that I found them! The owner is amazing and truly exceeded my expectations with the flower arrangement that was made for my family. This is a five star florist! I highly recommend it to everyone!

  • en

    Lauren Nicole


    Gorgeous arrangement and super friendly. I called at 9 a.m. on a Wednesday and they delivered the same day.

  • en

    Louie Borriello


    Horrible. Will never use again. Ruined my valentines day. Understand they are busy but they didnt even have people answering the phone and the message is just rude. I work retail i get it. I had to ruin my valentines day surprise and my girlfriend had to go get the flowers. Oh wait they were in the same shopping center. I called at. 9 am to tell them.i might have put the wrong address and explained what happened. The girl in the phone.told was fine and it.will work out but never did. Ill never use this place again. I would put 0 stars but google wont let me

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