Timp Torn Trailhead i Tomkins Cove

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Ramapo-Dunderberg Timp Torne Trail, 10986, Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 41.2810197, Longitude: -73.9628916

kommentar 2

  • Bryan Szeglin

    Bryan Szeglin


    Great hiking that few know about. Several trails. Some are pretty challenging.

  • Nicole



    This was a tough hike from the get go. The first few minutes are flat and breezy, then there's about an hour's worth of vertical climbing. Hiking shoes recommended. On a beautiful Saturday, I encountered a number of other hikers and dogs. Gorgeous views of the Hudson and, some hikers told me, of Bear Mountain Bridge from the summit. They had been hiking from 10:30-4 and said the trail levels out after a steep climb. From what I can tell, there are two trails ending/starting at this trail head (plenty of parking here, across the road at Jones Point, and down the road). A blue trail and a white/red dot trail. Both are moderate to hard and not so clearly marked in the beginning. A very enjoyable, challenging hike with massive rocks and boulders poking out from the mountain! Easy access from rt 202!

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