Three Whistles - Eat Drink Work w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneThree Whistles - Eat Drink Work



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2719, Wilson Boulevard, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-879-3353
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 38.8896176, Longitude: -77.0912282

komentarze 5

  • Anushka M

    Anushka M


    The website is misleading. It seemed like the only way to gain seating is if you purchase their $20 day pass or have a monthly membership. Also the photos and explanation on the website looked more like a co-working space that happens to have food and coffee. Turns out this really is just a normal coffee shop with several tables for seating. You also do not need to purchase the day pass or have a monthly membership to use the space. If you decide to purchase the day pass, no food or drink is included. It felt like the pass was really only paying for the high speed Wi-Fi. They already have free Wi-Fi that can be used so it made no sense to purchase the pass in the first place. The website mentioned drinks would be discounted with the day pass but I still paid full price. Also I did not see any food items available other than some pastries. We ended up not staying as long and grabbed lunch nearby. Overall I was disappointed that we paid for a pass that wasn't needed. I could have walked in, ordered a coffee, sat at a table, done work and saved $20. That being said the coffee was good. I got an iced mint mocha latte which was made well and the barista was very friendly. I could see myself coming back but just to use the space as an actual coffee shop.

  • Vicki



    I love three whistles so much. It is an absolute gem in Arlington. The gelato is amazing. The cafe snacks are great too. I went there for dinner one night and was impressed by my meal. Ok Thursdays they host community dance night and it's so fun. They have open mics. During the day it's a great place to get work done. The art on the walls is great. The best part of this place is the staff. They are all so friendly and nice. I can't say enough good words about this place, you just have to go yourself.

  • Jessica Martin

    Jessica Martin


    Excellent, comfortable and expansive coffee place to come and focus or hang out with friends. Sofas and chairs are all around with multiple table options. Friendly and helpful staff with good, local coffee. They have a couple grab and go style sandwiches or boiled eggs, so it’s not a sit and eat place (yet!). I would’ve stayed longer if my 2 hour parking didn’t expire. Will be keeping this place in mind for sure and would like to try their gelato sometime.

  • R J

    R J


    Best feeling place to work/study/talk in DC area. It's beautiful, high ceilings, skylights/big windows, comfy seats. Warmly welcomes every single shade of human. M-F days is 1/2 Co-work cafe and 1/2 public.

  • Misch



    This is a very relaxing place to have a coffee, a gelato (did not try their gelato yet), and much more. The decor is very nice as well, and the seats are very comfortable.

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