The Technology Store en Medford

Estados UnidosThe Technology Store



🕗 horarios

2287, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-569-4440
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8151439, Longitude: -73.0001162

comentarios 5

  • dagamerdud



    The owner is amazing he is building my computer right now a days it is so much cheaper than I expected service is literally SPOT ON 100 % recommend this place

  • Angela Denney

    Angela Denney


    We have come here several times for virus removal, and other computer issues beyond our skills. Kevin is always prompt. My husband even traded in an old laptop for a newer one and paid the difference, he says its the best laptop he ever had.

  • en



    20+ years of retail experience, never had a bad review. Upon looking up "Ali Hassan", its obvious someone is bad mouthing competitors. What a shame. However, we fix things your customers bring to us that you screwed up. Keep up the good work. Thanks for being around... hope your repair shop will last. =)

  • en

    Arthur Lee


    My gaming rig wasn't performing up to par and had the owner check it out (probably spyware etc). He worked his magic and got my rig back performing at 100%. Even the network speeds were much faster than usual. As a plus he had all my drivers updated and ran tests for me. Will definitely go back if any problems arise. 5⭐️'s!!!

  • en

    Alex Ho


    Quick service and reasonable prices. Not only did the owner answer all my questions but he also made recommendations for building my computer that turned out much better than I originally planned, all while saving me a few bucks! Hard to find service like this nowadays.

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