Sprint en Patchogue

Estados UnidosSprint



🕗 horarios

499, North Service Road, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-289-1118
sitio web: dealer.sprint.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7763932, Longitude: -73.0373711

comentarios 5

  • en

    Randal Da vandal


    Darrin Peters was in the store while I got my Sprint phones. He was sitting in the corner making snarky under his breath comments the whole 20 mins he waited. I wasn't the customer who was being "upsold" but since it had NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I WAS DOING, i won't comment, I can say the 3 people in the store were beyond helpful. They saved me a bunch of money and if Darrin Peters hadn't walk out of the store yelling "Go to best buy" like a child throwing a tantrum, i'm sure they would have gone above and beyond for him too.

  • Darrin Peters

    Darrin Peters


    Went in to buy a sim card waited over 20 mintues, watched them try and upsell a guy with insurance as he went to sign for it he questioned it and the sales man said that it was included in the price he quoted him. Guy didn't want the insurance after that, then they said how they had to do the whole process over to remove the insurance. It was clearly upselling I understand that is their job but don't waste your time there. Go to a corporate owned Sprint store won't be as bad, or go to Best Buy.

  • en

    Crystal McQuillan


    Great overall customer service I recommend Dennis very cheerful

  • en

    Bruce Wayne


    The staff here are really nice. GO above and beyond to help even when it is busy. I recommend Kyle

  • Surfadurf W

    Surfadurf W


    I would never recommend this store. I have been fighting with sprint for 2 months now to remove a device put on my account by this store. While doing an upgrade of my wife's phone salesman thru a box in her bag and told her it was a free promotion. That "free" promotion is costing me an extra 10.00 a month for something I will never use and he locked us into a 2 year contract on it. Even when asked before signing contract on phone upgrade why there was doubles of contract, we were told that is normal procedure for the phone upgrade. This is basically fraud, we were lied to even when asked. STAY AWAY FROM THIS LOCATION!!!!!!!!

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