The Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City



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1250, South Hayes Street, 22202, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-415-5000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.862616, Longitude: -77.060405

komentarze 5

  • Nick Chilson

    Nick Chilson


    Hotel was nice but not quite as nice as I might have expected from a Ritz Carlton. You can find some great deals on last minute booking here though. The location is also pretty great. It is part of a major shopping center and the is a metro station right outside the door for easy access to the rest of the DC area.

  • Pilch Pilcherillo

    Pilch Pilcherillo


    We visited the Ritz-Carlton over Mother's Day weekend, which also coincides with my wife's birthday. So it was a shopping trip, and the hotel has direct access to the Fashion Centre without ever going outside, which is of course great. But the reason for our 5 star review is not the location or amenities of the hotel, which are both exceptional, but the staff that hosted us throughout our stay. Every staff member we came across went out of his or her way to engage our children, offer assistance, or just socialize in a very relaxed way. The other clientele seemed to respond to this the same way we did - all in all, the staff and clientele were among the friendliest we have ever come across. A particular thank you to Jennifer at the front desk, who went above and beyond to make us feel welcome. Our stay was wonderful, and we hope to do it again.

  • Francis Duffy

    Francis Duffy


    Great place.... Awesome facility in a vibrant active neighborhood.... Friendly competent staff....A first class operation

  • en

    Tiffany Ann


    Love staying here! The staff is very friendly. We always get the breakfast included with out stay and the hostess is so lovely and even remembered us after 2 years!

  • Robbin Yelverton

    Robbin Yelverton


    I've stayed here several times and the service has always been Top Notch. The accommodations are beautiful and clean of course it's a Ritz! Food and beverage always good and it's very very close as in just across the hall and down to a huge shopping area.

najbliższy Kwatera

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